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Message to the Senate Transmitting the Canada-United States Legal Assistance Treaty
Ronald Reagan
Toast at a White House Dinner Honoring the Nation's Governors
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget
Designation of Michael R. Farley as Chairperson of the National Council on Vocational Education
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Economic Report of the President
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Deferrals
Statement on the Designation of Caspar W. Weinberger and Andrew L. Lewis Jr., as Members of the National Economic Commission
Remarks Following Discussions With Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Fiscal Year 1989 Budget
Message on the Management of the United States Government
Remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Anthony M. Kennedy as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Remarks on Presenting the Fiscal Year 1989 Budget to Congressional Leaders
Proclamation 5773—National Visiting Nurse Associations Week, 1988
Informal Exchange With Reporters on Drug Trafficking
Radio Address to the Nation on the President's Trip to Mexico
Toast at a Luncheon Hosted by President Miguel De la Madrid Hurtado in Mazatlan, Mexico
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Reagan in Mazatlan, Mexico
Proclamation 5772—Lithuanian Independence Day, 1988
Remarks at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conference Dinner
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Mexico-United States Legal Assistance Treaty