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Statement on Signing the African Famine Relief Bill
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5314—National Weather Satellite Week, 1985
Proclamation 5315—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 1985
Proclamation 5316—World Health Week and World Health Day, 1985
Proclamation 5317—Education Day, U.S.A., 1985
Remarks Following Discussions With President Belisario Betancur Cuartas of Colombia
Letter to the Presidents of Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela on the Central American Peace Proposal
Remarks Congratulating the Villanova University Wildcats on Winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball Championship
Joint Columbia-United States Statement on Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Remarks Announcing a Central American Peace Proposal and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Remarks in an Interview With Nicholas Ashford and Charles Douglas-Home of the Times of London, Together With Written Responses to Questions
Remarks at a White House Meeting With a Group Concerned About Missing and Exploited Children
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey
Remarks at a Ceremony Celebrating the 90th Birthday of John J. McCloy
Interview With Lou Cannon, Dave Hoffman, and Lynn Downie of the Washington Post
Radio Address to the Nation on the Situation in Central America
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Michael A. McManus, Jr., as Assistant to the President and Deputy to the Deputy Chief of Staff
Proclamation 5313—Suspension and Modification of Import Fees on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Letter to the Chairwoman of the United States International Trade Commission on the Suspension and Modification of Import Fees on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Remarks at the National Space Club Luncheon