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Proclamation 5260—World Food Day, 1984
Ronald Reagan
Letter to President Jose Napoleon Duarte on the Situation in El Salvador
Statement on Signing the Federal Timber Contract Payment Modification Act
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at Bolingbrook High School in Bolingbrook, Illinois
Question-and-Answer Session With Students at Greenville Technical College in Greenville, South Carolina
Proclamation 5261—Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Week, 1984
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
Remarks at a Reagan-Bush Rally in Greenville, South Carolina
Statement on the Death of Valeriy Marchenko
Remarks at a Reagan-Bush Rally in Macon, Georgia
Statement on Signing the Central Intelligence Agency Information Act
Statement on Signing a Bill Conferring United States Citizenship Posthumously on Wladyslaw Staniszewski
Radio Address to the Nation on the Presidential Campaign
Remarks at a Reagan-Bush Rally in Dayton, Ohio
Remarks by Telephone to Crewmembers on Board the Space Shuttle Challenger
Remarks During a Whistle-stop Tour of Ohio
Proclamation 5257—National School Lunch Day, 1984
Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Presidential Campaign
Proclamation 5258—National Housing Week, 1984
Proclamation 5259—White Cane Safety Day, 1984