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Remarks at the Dedication of Lady Bird Johnson Grove in Redwood National Park in California
Richard Nixon
Statement About Labor Day, 1969
Conversation With Bob Hope During the Red Cross Telethon in Mississippi.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Park of South Korea.
Remarks on the Departure of President Park of South Korea
Toasts of the President and President Park at a State Dinner in San Francisco
Remarks of Welcome in San Francisco to President Chung Hee Park of South Korea
Statement on Signing Bill Designating the Ventana Wilderness, California
Proclamation 3924—United Nations Day, 1969
Statement on the Guaranteed Student Loan Program.
Proclamation 3923—World Law Day, 1969
Remarks at a Dinner in Los Angeles Honoring the Apollo 11 Astronauts
Special Message to the Congress on Sharing Federal Revenues With the States.
Remarks at the Swearing In of John Wilks as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Compliance and Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Proclamation 3922—National Highway Week, 1969
Statement on House Action on the Recommended Budget for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Proclamation 3921—National Archery Week
Special Message to the Congress on Manpower Training.
Memorandum on the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
Special Message to the Congress on Reform of the Nation's Welfare System.
Statement on the Office of Economic Opportunity.
Statement on Announcing the Nomination of Mrs. Helen D. Bentley as a Member of the Federal Maritime Commission.
Remarks on Arrival at the Orange County Airport, Santa Ana, California.
Address to the Nation on Domestic Programs.
Executive Order 11478—Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Kiesinger of Germany.
Remarks on the Departure of Chancellor Kiesinger From the White House
Remarks at a Surprise Celebration on the Anniversary of the President's Nomination.
Memorandum on Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government
Statement on the Tax Reform Bill Following Passage by the House of Representatives.
Executive Order 11477—Authorizing the Atomic Energy Commission to Make Certain Awards Without the Approval of the President
Special Message to the Congress on Public Transportation.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Kiesinger of Germany
Remarks of Welcome to Chancellor Kiesinger of the Federal Republic of Germany
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the Atlantic-Pacific Interoceanic Canal Study Commission.
Special Message to the Congress on Occupational Safety and Health.
Proclamation 3920—Fire Prevention Week, 1969
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the Operation of the International Coffee Agreement.
Remarks on Arrival at Mildenhall Air Force Base, England
Remarks on Departure From Romania