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Statement by the President Upon Awarding the Distinguished Service Medal to Maj. Gen. James W. Humphreys, Jr., USAF
Lyndon B. Johnson
Proclamation 3786—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1967
Remarks to a Group of Visiting Japanese Governors.
Statement by the President on Rising Tensions in the Near East.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Cost Reduction.
Remarks Upon Presenting Presidential "E" Awards for Excellence in Developing New Markets for Exports
Executive Order 11353—Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Cost Reduction
Executive Order 11354—Amending Executive Order No. 11030 of June 19, 1962, with Respect to the Preparation of Presidential Proclamations
Remarks to Delegates to the International Conference on Water for Peace
Executive Order 11352—Suspending a Provision of Section 5751(b) of Title 10, United States Code, Which Relates to Officers of the Marine Corps in the Grade of Lieutenant Colonel
Proclamation 3785—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1967
Executive Order 11351—Amending Executive Order No. 11318, Designating the European Space Research Organization as a Public International Organization
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Providing for a Desalting Plant in Southern California
Remarks to State Committeemen and Executive Directors of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, USA.
The President's News Conference
Statement by the President on the General Agreement Reached in the Kennedy Round Trade Negotiations at Geneva.
Remarks in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, at the New England Governors Conference.
Press Briefing With the Governors Following the New England Governors Conference.
Remarks to the Lawyers Conference on Crime Control.
Message to the Congress Transmitting 15th Semiannual Report of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Statement by the President on the Proposed International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Increased Appropriations for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Vice President Yen of the Republic of China.
Proclamation 3784—Mother's Day, 1967
Remarks at the Democratic Congressional Dinner.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Vice President Yen of the Republic of China
Proclamation 3782—National Maritime Day, 1967
Proclamation 3783—Small Business Week, 1967
Toasts of the President and Vice President Yen
Statement by the President Upon Authorizing an Agreement for a Worldwide Drug Reaction Monitoring System.
Letter to the Secretary, HEW, Delegating Authority in Connection With the Worldwide Drug Reaction Monitoring System.
Remarks at a Reception for Participants in the Conference on Women in the War on Poverty.
Remarks in Austin, Texas, at the Unveiling of a Bust of Former Mayor Tom Miller.
Statement by the President on the "Share Your Summer" Program for Disadvantaged Children.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports on Incentive Awards to Military Personnel
Special Message to the Congress Recommending Procedures To Complete Collective Bargaining in the Railway Labor Dispute
Remarks to the State Directors of the Selective Service System
Executive Order 11350—Amending the Selective Service Regulations