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Message to the Gustavus Adolphus Tricentennial Festival.
Herbert Hoover
Address in St. Paul, Minnesota
Rear platform and Other Informal Remarks in Illinois and Wisconsin
Rear Platform Remarks in Indiana and Illinois
Address in Springfield, Illinois
Address in St. Louis, Missouri
Message to the Zionist Organization of America on the Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.
Executive Order 5945—Establishing the Tule Lake Wild Life Refuge, California
Message to President Harmodio Arias on Panama's Independence Day.
Rear Platform Remarks in Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Proclamation 2015—Thanksgiving Day, 1932
Address to the California Society of Washington, D.C.
Message to the New Jersey Republican Campaign Committee About the President's Position on Prohibition.
Executive Order 5944—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Nevada
Message to Jennie Hobart for Use at a Political Meeting.
Message to the American Artists Professional League.
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey
Address in Newark, New Jersey
Remarks to a Group of Disabled War Veterans
Address at Madison Square Garden in New York City
Remarks at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Message to the Young Republican League.
Message, to the American Bible Society on Universal Bible Sunday.
Executive Order 5943—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Colorado
Rear Platform Remarks in West Virginia
Message to President Mustapha Kemal on Turkey's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5942—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Message to President Thomas G. Masaryk on Czechoslovakia's Independence Day.
Rear Platform Remarks in West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana
Address in Indianapolis, Indiana
Statement on Navy Day.
Message to the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association.
Executive Order 5940—Exemption of William Bertrand Acker from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 5941—Public Water Restoration No. 74, New Mexico
Message Supporting Fundraising Drive for the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, New York.
Message to the Emergency Unemployment Relief Committee of New York City.
Executive Order 5939—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Address to the American Public Health Association
Letter to the Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission Requesting an Investigation of Certain Tariff Schedules.
Executive Order 5938—Enlarging the Harney National Forest, South Dakota