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Message to the Fifth Avenue Association of New York City.
Herbert Hoover
Message to the Massachusetts Republican State Convention
Message on Receiving an Award From the Catholic Boys' Brigade of the United States.
Executive Order 5928—LaPine Administrative Site, Oregon
Message About the Farm Mortgage Relief Conference.
Letter to Mollie Brown Carran Requesting Her To Join the Campaign Train En Route to Des Moines, Iowa.
Message on the Completion of the Greenspan Brothers Warehouse.
Radio Address to the Women's Conference on Current Problems.
Executive Order 5927—Power-Site Restoration No. 475, California
Message to Governor James R. Beverley on Hurricane Relief for Puerto Rico
Remarks Upon Laying the Cornerstone of the New Post Office Department Building
Message to King Christian X of Denmark on His Birthday.
Message to a Banquet Honoring Joe Weber and Lew Fields.
Executive Order 5926—Power-Site Restoration No. 474, Idaho
Executive Order 5925—Transfer of Lands from the Boise and Challis National Forests to the Sawtooth National Forest, and from the Sawtooth National Forest to the Boise National Forest, Idaho
Executive Order 5923—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Oregon
Executive Order 5924—Authorizing Priority to Employees Dropped or Furloughed in Reduction of Force
Statement on German Participation in the General Disarmament Conference.
Message to Governor Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania on the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Message on Rosh Hashanah.
Executive Order 5922—Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil-Service Rules
Message on the Dedication of Memorials to Three Prominent Ohio Republicans.
Message to the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Address to the Welfare and Relief Mobilization Conference
Executive Order 5920—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Letter to the Central Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve District Banking and Industrial Committees on Agricultural Loans.
Message to President Jose Maria Moncada on Nicaragua's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5921—Exemption of Persons from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Message to the American Trade Association Executives.
Message to President Ricardo Jimenez on Costa Rica's Independence Day.
Message to President Jorge Ubico on Guatemala's Independence Day.
Message to President Vicente Mejia Colindres on Honduras' Independence Day.
Message to the National Tax Association Convention.
Statement on the Veterans' Bonus.
The President's News Conference
Statement on Reorganization of the Executive Branch.
Telegram to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee on Election Results in Maine
Message on the 50th Anniversary of the First Commercial Electric Lighting and Generating Station.
Memorandum to Federal Departments and Agencies on Reduction of Federal Expenditures
Message on the Launching of Two Freighters of the Seatrain Line.