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Statement on the Justice Department Investigation of the Bonus Army.
Herbert Hoover
The President's News Conference
Statement on the Public Works Program.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of J. W. Pole as Comptroller of the Currency.
Message to the Affiliated Better Business Bureaus Conference.
Executive Order 5919—Power-Site Restoration No. 472, Oregon
Executive Order 5918—Examination for Designation for Appointment to United States Military and Naval Academies
Message to the Lafayette-Marne Day Committee.
Message to Abelardo Rodriguez on His Inauguration as President of Mexico.
Message in Tribute to Thomas Alva Edison.
Message to Scholastic Magazine
Executive Order 5916—Power-Site Restoration No. 471, California
Executive Order 5917—Exemption of Albert D. Davis from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Letter to the President of the Civil Service Commission on Political Activity of Federal Employees.
Letter to the Postmaster General Directing the Reinstatement of a Postal Clerk
Message to the United States Building and Loan League.
Executive Order 5915—Power-Site Restoration No. 470, California
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Hanford MacNider as United States Minister to Canada.
Executive Order 5914—Long Lake Migratory Bird Refuge in North Dakota Enlarged
Address to the Conference of the Federal Reserve District Banking and Industrial Committees
Executive Order 5913—Reserving Certain Lots for Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
Message to President Gabriel Terra on Uruguay's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5912—Exemption of John P. McDowell from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Commander Claude A. Jones.
Executive Order 5911—Exemption of John W. Ginder from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Letter to Reverend Daniel A. Poling on Prohibition.
Letter to Senator Reed Smoot on Representation of Silver Interests at a World Economic Conference.
Executive Order 5910—Amendments to Tariff of United States Consular Fees
Executive Order 5908—Public Water Restoration No. 12, California
Executive Order 5909—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, New Mexico
Remarks on Presenting Distinguished Flying Crosses to Aviators Wiley Post and Harold Gatty.
Executive Order 5902—Public Water Reserve No. 145, California
Executive Order 5907—Public Water Reserve No. 146, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and Wyoming
Executive Order 5901—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision IX, of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5903—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, Nevada
Executive Order 5904—Withdrawal of Land for Use of the Navy Department, Wyoming
Executive Order 5905—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Sarah L. Curtiss
Executive Order 5906—Modification of Reservoir-Site Reserve No. 17, Pacific Slope Basins, California
Message in Tribute to General Leonard Wood.