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Message to King George V of Great Britain Offering Birthday Greetings.
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5636—Classification of Attorney Positions in the Veterans' Administration by Revocation of Paragraph 1 of Section IX, Schedule B, Civil-Service Rules
Message to Prince Takamatsu of Japan on His Departure From United States Territory.
The President's News Conference
Letter to the Secretary of War About Army Air Corps Maneuvers.
Executive Order 5635—Authorizing the Appointment of Arthur B. Landt
Executive Order 5634—Transfer of Lands from the Mount Baker to the Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Charles C. Teague as a Member of the Federal Farm Board.
Message on the 75th Anniversary of Berea College.
Exchange of Messages With Albert, King of the Belgians, on Memorial Day
Memorial Day Address at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Message to the Children's Hour.
Message to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church.
Address to the Union League of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Executive Order 5633—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Executive Order 5632—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, North Dakota
Executive Order 5631—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Municipal Water Supply, California
Message to President Jose Francisco Uriburu on Argentina's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5630—Transferring Control and Administration of Public Lands to the Secretary of the Interior and Reserving a Part for Lighthouse Purposes, Washington
Message on the Dedication of a World War Shrine in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Radio Remarks on the Dedication of the Cornell University War Memorial
Radio Remarks Introducing Dr. Robert A. Millikan to the National Advisory Council on Radio in Education
Statement About a Special Session of Congress.
Executive Order 5629—Public Water Reserve No. 141, Montana
Address to the American National Red Cross.
Message to President Gerardo Machado y Morales on Cuba's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5627—Participation in the Government of Arlington County, Virginia, by Federal Employees Permanently Residing Therein
Executive Order 5628—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Amy Cowing
Executive Order 5625—Saturday Working Hours, Field Service, Department of the Interior
Message on the Opening of the Trans-Lux Movie Theatre in New York City.
Executive Order 5626—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Kickapoo Indians of Kansas
Message to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of David Belasco.
Executive Order 5624—Regulations Governing the Occupation and Maintenance of Certain Foreign Service Quarters
Executive Order 5622—Classification of Federal Employees in the Philippines
Executive Order 5623—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Message to the Secretary of Agriculture Requesting Restriction of Leases of the National Forests for Wood Production.
Message on the Death of David Belasco.