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Executive Order 5416—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Klamath River Indians of California
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5418—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5417—Amendments to Consular Regulations
Message to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burns on Their 50th Anniversary.
Message Greeting King Haakon VII of Norway on His Birthday.
The President's News Conference
Letter to Reverend William Hiram Foulkes Expressing Appreciation for a Message of Approval and Support.
Statement on the White House Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership.
Executive Order 5414—Correction in Description of the Waianae-Kai Military Reservation
Statement on the Investigation of Bankruptcy Law and Practice by the Department of Justice.
Executive Order 5410—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Utah
Statement on the Advisory Committee on Unemployment Statistics.
Executive Order 5413—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5412—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5411—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Statement on the Interim Appointment of Nicholas Roosevelt as Vice General of the Philippines.
Executive Order 5409—Tongass National Forest, Alaska
Letter to Representative B. Carroll Reece on Muscle Shoals Legislation.
Executive Order 5408—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, California
Executive Order 5407—Public Water Reserve No. 132, Oregon and Wyoming
Executive Order 5406—Restoring Portion of Upolu Point Military Reservation to the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 5405—Restoring Portion of Puolo Point Military Reservation to the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 5404—Exclusion of Public Lands from the Crook National Forest and Withdrawal for Townsite Purposes, Arizona
Message of Sympathy to King Vittorio Emanuele III Following an Earthquake Disaster in Italy.
Executive Order 5403—Power-Site Restoration No. 443, Pit River, California
Executive Order 5402—Chugach National Forest
Executive Order 5401—Withdrawal of Public Lands to Protect and Augment Los Angeles Water Supply System
Statement About Signing the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
Executive Order 5400—Regulations Governing Representation Allowances
Executive Order 5399—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Bell Scarburgh Joynes
Executive Order 5398—Consolidation and Coordination of Governmental Activities Affecting Veterans
Statement on Government Expenditures.
Message to President Juan Campisteguy on the 100th Anniversary of the First Constitution of Uruguay.
Executive Order 5397—Withdrawal of Public Lands for a Lookout Station, Washington
Executive Order 5396—Special Leaves of Absence to be Given Disabled Veterans in Need of Medical Treatment
Executive Order 5395—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Message to the President of Germany Commemorating the Birth of General Frederick von Steuben.