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The President's News Conference
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5380—Withdrawal of Public Lands to Protect Los Angeles Water Supply System
Executive Order 5382—Authorizing the Paymaster of the Panama Canal to Advance Funds to Bonded Employees
Message to the Rotary International Convention.
Executive Order 5381—Transfer of Operation of the Hotel Tivoli, Canal Zone
Statement on the World War Veterans' Bill.
Executive Order 5379—Public Water Restoration No. 64, Arizona, California, and Colorado
Letter to Dr. S. J. Crumbine on Health Conditions in Porto Rico.
Executive Order 5378—Power-Site Restoration No. 442
Executive Order 5375—Minidoka Bird Reservation Enlarged
Exchange of Messages With President-Elect Prestes of Brazil on His Departure From the United States.
Letter to the Senate Majority Leader Stating Objections to Pending Veterans Legislation.
Message to King Alfonso XIII of Spain on the International Exposition at Seville.
Executive Order 5377—Appointment of Miss Patia Smith
Executive Order 5376—Salaries of American Members, International Joint Commission
Letter Congratulating Arthur S. Draper on His 25th Anniversary as a Journalist.
Executive Order 5373—Appropriations Credited to the Governor of the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 5374—Appointment of Mrs. Mary R. Martin
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Report on Foreign Loan Flotations.
Message to the National Conference on State Parks.
Executive Order 5372—Power-Site Restoration No. 439, Oregon
Remarks on Presenting the Special Gold Medal of the National Geographic Society to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd.
Executive Order 5371—Order of Precedence of the Assistant Secretaries of War
Letter to the President of the Senate Transmitting Proposed Changes in the Appropriations for Narcotics and Prohibition Law Enforcement.
Message to the World Power Conference.
Executive Order 5370—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, New Mexico
Statement on the Tariff Bill.
Executive Order 5369—Establishing the Cerro Tigre Ordnance Depot Military Reservation
Executive Order 5368—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Michigan
Message to the National Editorial Association.
Remarks Welcoming President-Elect Julio Prestes of Brazil
Message to the Hall of Fame Ceremonies Honoring Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Executive Order 5367—Power-Site Restoration No. 441, Idaho
Executive Order 5366—Restoration of Public Lands for Homestead Entry, Michigan
Statement on the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
Executive Order 5365—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Vocational Training