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The President's News Conference
Herbert Hoover
Message to the Annual Conventions of the American Newspaper Publishers and the Associated Press.
Executive Order 5331—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Townsite Purposes
Executive Order 5330—Appointment of Mrs. Helen Laddbush
Executive Order 5329—Appointment of Mrs. Laura Mae Decker
Executive Order 5328—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5327—Withdrawal of Public Oil-Shale Deposits and Lands Containing Same for Classification
Address to the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Executive Order 5326—Withdrawal of Islands, Rocks, and Pinnacles
Executive Order 5325—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Liza B. Moncure
Message on the Birthday of Thomas Jefferson and Its Celebration on Religious Holy Days.
Statement About the London Naval Conference.
Executive Order 5323—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Wyoming
Exchange of Remarks With President Hipolito Irigoyen on the Inauguration of Direct Radiotelephonic Communication Between Argentina and the United States.
Executive Order 5324—Designating Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, as an Unhealthful Post in the Foreign Service
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Final Report of the Special International Niagara Board.
Executive Order 5322—Designating San Luis, Arizona as a Customs Port of Entry
Letter to W. J. L. Banham on the Survey Made by the New York Board of Trade.
Address to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on Receiving the First Hoover Gold Medal
Executive Order 5321—Inspection of Tax Returns by Department of Commerce for Statistical Purposes
Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Dr. William Henry Welch.
Executive Order 5319—Withdrawal of Land Pending Authorization for Sale to Los Angeles for Protection of Their Watershed, California
Executive Order 5320—Extension of the Limits of the Port of Niagara Falls, New York, to Include Lewiston, New York
Executive Order 5318—Aleutian Islands Reservation in Alaska Enlarged
Message Commending the Work of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation.
Message to the Military Order of the World War on Army Day.
Message of Sympathy to King Gustaf V of Sweden on the Death of Queen Victoria.
Statement on Income Tax Revenues.
Message to President Wilhelm Miklas of Austria About the Death of Ambassador Albert Henry Washburn.
Exchange of Remarks With President Carlos Ibanez del Campo on the Inauguration of Direct Radiotelephonic Communication Between Chile and the United States.
Executive Order 5317—Suspension of Executive Order Abolishing New Bern and Manteo, North Carolina, as Customs Ports of Entry
Exchange of Remarks With President Juan Campisteguy on the Inauguration of Direct Radiotelephonic Communication Between Uruguay and the United States.
Executive Order 5316—Wolf Island Wild Life Refuge
Informal Remarks on Presenting Census Schedule to the Federal Census Taker.
Message Greeting King Fuad I of Egypt on His Birthday.
Executive Order 5315—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey