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Excerpts of the President's News Conference
Calvin Coolidge
Proclamation 1721—Establishing the Wupatki National Monument, Arizona
Second Annual Message
Proclamation—American Education Week, 1924
Proclamation 1715—Thanksgiving Day, 1924
Message to William M. Butler, Chairman of the Republican National Committee
Statement Following Victory in the Presidential Election
Radio Address from the White House on the Duties of Citizenship
Telephone Remarks to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, Assembled at the Hotel Pennsylvania
Remarks to a Delegation of Foreign Born Citizens at the White House
Proclamation 1713—Historic Areas on Certain Military Reservations Declared National Monuments
Address at the Unveiling of the Equestrian Statue of Bishop Francis Asbury, Washington, DC
Address at the Dedication of the Monument to the First Division of the American Expeditionary Forces, Washington, DC
Address at the Zero Milestone Welcoming Home the Washington Senators Baseball Team
Address on the Anniversary of the First Continental Congress, Philadelphia
Address to the Holy Name Society, Washington, DC
Proclamation—National Fire Prevention Day, 1924
Address at the Dedication of a Monument to Lafayette in Baltimore, Maryland
Address to a Group of Labor Leaders on Labor Day
Proclamation 1711—Disposal of Lands Within the Former Devils Lake Indian Reservation, North Dakota