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Proclamation 1643—Thanksgiving Day, 1922
Warren G. Harding
Executive Order 3744—Fort Apache, Arizona
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval a Bill to Provide Adjusted Compensation for World War Veterans
Address to Congress on Railroad and Coal Strikes
Executive Order 3721—Interdepartmental Patents Board
Executive Order 3714—Civil Service Preference to War Veterans
Proclamation—Interference With Interstate Transportation and the Carrying of the United States Mails
Proclamation 1635—Extension of Time for Payment for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Address at the Dedication of the Lincoln Memorial
Proclamation—Copyright-Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy
Executive Order 3657—Removing and Replacing Certain Officers of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Proclamation—Forest Protection Week and Golden Anniversary of Arbor Day
Special Message to Congress on Celebration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Declaration of Independence
Proclamation—Germany-Suspension of Tonnage Dues
Special Message to the Senate on the Effect of the Lansing-Ishii Agreement on China
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to China Unlawful
Address to Congress on Assistance to the Merchant Marine
Message to the Senate in Response to a Request for Records Related to the Four-Power Treaty
Executive Order 3637—Zia Pubelo, New Mexico
Address to the Senate Laying Before it a Group of Treaties Negotiated by the Washington Conference
Address Closing the Washington Conference
Address at the Second Regular Meeting of the Business Organization of the Government, Washington, D.C.
Executive Order 3623—Relief for Russia
Proclamation—Lehman Caves National Monument-Nevada
Executive Order 3601—Relief for Russia
Statement on the Four-Power Treaty
Executive Order 3594—Transfer of Certain Historical Papers From the Department of State to the Library of Congress
First Annual Message
Proclamation—American Education Week-1921
Special Message to Congress on the Work of the Fine Arts Commission
Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the National Victory Memorial Building Erected by the George Washington Memorial Association
Address Opening the Washington Conference
Address at the Burial of an Unknown American Soldier at Arlington Cemetery
Executive Order 3577—Manner of Dating Proclamations, Commissions, and Similar Executive Documents
Executive Order 3578—Preparation and Submission of the Budget
Proclamation—Declaring Armistice Day, 1921, a Legal Public Holiday
Proclamation 1612—Thanksgiving Day, 1921
Address in Atlanta, Georgia
Address at the Celebration of the Semicentennial of the Founding of the City of Birmingham, Alabama
Remarks at a Luncheon in Birmingham, Alabama