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Executive Order 1819—Anaho Island Reservation
Woodrow Wilson
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Mexican Affairs
Proclamation 1249—Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Executive Order 1798—Revocation of Executive Order No. 1540
Address at Gettysburg
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Banking System
Executive Order 1786—Temporarily Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of Arizona
Executive Order 1782—Adding Lands to the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona
Statement on "The Tariff Lobby"
Executive Order 1774—Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of New Mexico
Executive Order 1772—Withdrawing From the Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of California
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Tariff Reform
Message to the Congress Transmitting Plan of Reorganization of the Customs Service and Detailed Estimate of Expenses of the Same
William Howard Taft
Inaugural Address
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval "An Act Making Appropriations for the Sundry Civil Expenses of the Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1914, and for Other Purposes"
Message to the House of Representatives Transmitting Reports on the Extension of 2-cent Letter Postage to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and The Netherlands
Message to the Congress on the Subject of Relations Between the United States and the Republic of Colombia
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval An Act Divesting Intoxicating Liquors of Their Interstate Character in Certain Cases (Webb–Kenyon Act)
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval "An Act to Regulate the Immigration of Aliens to and the Residence of Aliens in the United States"
Executive Order 1700—Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of the Navajo Indians
Executive Order 1699—Reserving Lands in Arizona for Use of the Navajo Indians
Message to the Congress Transmitting Report on the Transportation Question in the Territory of Alaska, Etc.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Sixty-third Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Panama Railroad for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1912
Message to the Congress Recommending Appropriation for the Fourth International Congress of School Hygiene to be Held in Buffalo, N.Y., August 25 to 30, 1913
Message to the Senate Transmitting, in Response to Senate Resolution of January 2, 1913, a Memorandum of the Secretary of State Submitting a Report by the Consul General at Berlin Relative to the Friedmann Cure for Tuberculosis
Executive Order 1681—Reserving Lands in Nevada for Use of the Paiute and Shoshoni Indians
Executive Order 1682—Setting Aside Lands in Montana for Administrative Purposes in Connection with Flathead Indians
Message to the Congress Transmitting Report from the Secretary of State Concerning Claims of American Citizens Growing Out of Joint Naval Operations of the United States and Great Britain in and About the Town of Apia, in the Samoan Islands, March, April, and May, 1899
Message to the Congress Transmitting Certified Copies of Franchises Granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico
Message to the Congress on Fur Seals
Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports of the Commission on Economy and Efficiency
Executive Order 1655—Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians
Fourth Annual Message
Executive Order 1649—Altering Lands Composing the Moapa River Indian Reservation
Remarks to the Lotos Club in New York City
Proclamation 1225—Panama Canal Toll Rates
Address at the Opening Session of the Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Proclamation 1223—Thanksgiving Day, 1912
Telegram to Woodrow Wilson Conceding the Presidential Election
Statement Conceding the Presidential Election