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The Vice President's Remarks at a Presentation of the Distinguished Service Cross to Dr. Bernard Bail
Richard B. Cheney
The Vice President's Remarks at the 2006 Wyoming Legislature Budget Session
Interview of the Vice President by Brit Hume, FOX News
Remarks by the Vice President on the 2006 Agenda
Interview of the Vice President by Jim Lehrer
Interview of the Vice President by Laura Ingraham
Interview of the Vice President by Rush Limbaugh
Interview of the Vice President by Hugh Hewitt
Interview of the Vice President by Larry Kudlow, CNBC
The Vice President's Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Interview of the Vice President by Neil Cavuto, FOX News
Interview of the Vice President by Sean Hannity
Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow
The Vice President's Remarks on the Economy
The Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops
The Vice President's Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terror
The Vice President's Remarks to the Traveling Press
Interview of the Vice President by CNN
Vice President's Remarks During a Tour of the 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
The Vice President's Remarks in a Meeting with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf