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Remarks to the Press by the Vice President and Spanish President Zapatero in Madrid, Spain
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks by the Vice President to Spanish Troops in Madrid, Spain
Remarks by the Vice President to the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium
Op-ed by the Vice President in the International Herald Tribune
Statement by the Vice President on New Recovery Act Recipient Reports Posted on Recovery.gov
Remarks by the Vice President Announcing Recovery Act "Retrofit Ramp-Up" Awards on Eve of Earth Day
Remarks by the Vice President at the Brookings Institution's Hamilton Project Forum
Remarks by the Vice President on Iraq
Statement by the Vice President on the Death of Dr. Benjamin Hooks
Condolence Letter by the Vice President to the People of Poland
Remarks by the Vice President Before a Lunch Meeting with Foreign Leaders and Dignitaries
Statement by the Vice President on the Retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens
Op-ed by the Vice President in the Los Angeles Times
Remarks by the Vice President at Tel Aviv University: "The Enduring Partnership Between the United States and Israel"
Remarks by the Vice President and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah
Remarks to the Press by the Vice President and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Israel
Remarks by the Vice President and President of Israel Shimon Peres at an Expanded Group Meeting in Jerusalem, Israel
Remarks by the Vice President at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel
Statement by the Vice President on Settlements in East Jerusalem
Statement and Fact Sheet from Vice President Biden on the Government Accountability Office's Report on Recovery Act Implementation
Remarks by the Vice President to the National Governors Association
Remarks by the Vice President at the National Defense University
Op-ed by the Vice President in USA Today
Op-ed by the Vice President in the Wall Street Journal
Remarks by the Vice President During a Middle Class Task Force Meeting
Remarks to the Press by the Vice President and Iraqi President Talabani in Baghdad, Iraq
Statement by the Vice President Commending Shultz, Kissinger, Nunn and Perry on their Continued Work on Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Statement by the Vice President on the Death of Catherine Eugenia "Jean" Finnegan Biden
Statement by the Vice President on Senator Chris Dodd
Op-ed by the Vice President in the New York Times
Statement by the Vice President on the Congressional Budget Office Report on Recovery Act Employment Impact
Statement by the Vice President on the 10th Anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Remarks by the Vice President at a Memorial Service at Fort Lewis, Washington
Statement by the Vice President on Today's Passage of Amendments to the Iraq Elections Law
Statement by the Vice President on the Shooting at Fort Hood
Remarks by the Vice President with Czech Republic Prime Minister Jan Fischer in Prague, Czech Republic
Remarks by the Vice President at a Meeting with Former Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana in Bucharest, Romania
Remarks by the Vice President at Central University Library in Bucharest, Romania
Remarks by the Vice President with Romanian President Traian Basescu in Bucharest, Romania