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Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session via Satellite to Republican Campaign Events
Ronald Reagan
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Fund-raising Reception in Columbus, Ohio, for Gubernatorial Candidate Bud Brown
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Meeting With Employees of AccuRay Corporation in Columbus, Ohio
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on Proposed Tuition Tax Credit Legislation With Editors of Religious Publications
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Reception in Los Angeles, California, for Gubernatorial Candidate George Deukmejian
Question-and-Answer Session with Farmers in State Center, Iowa
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Senior Citizens in Los Angeles, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Briefing on Federalism for State and Local Officials in Los Angeles, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session in Los Angeles at a Meeting With Editors and Broadcasters From Western States
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Rockwell International Employees
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Farmers From the Landenberg, Pennsylvania, Area
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Fund-raising Reception for Senator John Heinz in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the Student Body of Providence-St. Mel High School in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During an Administration Briefing in Chicago, Illinois, for Editors From the Midwestern Region
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery With Editors and Broadcasters From Midwestern States
Question-and-Answer Session Following a White House Luncheon for Editors and Broadcasters from Southeastern States
Question-and-Answer Session With Students at St. Peter's Catholic Elementary School in Geneva, Illinois
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery With Newspaper Editors and Radio and Television Directors
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a White House Briefing for Members of the Association of Independent Television Stations
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Working Luncheon With Out-of-Town Editors
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Out-of-Town Editors
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Target '82 Fundraising Reception in Santa Barbara, California
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With State and Local Officials During a White House Briefing on the Program for Economic Recovery
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery at a White House Luncheon for Congressional Women
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During a White House Briefing for the National Association of Counties
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery at a Breakfast for Newspaper and Television News Editors
Memphis, Tennessee Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Jimmy Carter
Columbia, South Carolina Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Toledo, Ohio Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Wyoming, Michigan Remarks and a Question-and. Answer Session With High School Students.
Gloucester City, New Jersey Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Area Residents.
Miami, Florida Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Youngstown, Ohio Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During a Live Television Broadcast.
Newington, Connecticut Remarks and a Question-and-answer Session With Hospital and Community Volunteers.
Hempstead, New York Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Lyndhurst, New Jersey Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Local Residents.
Yatesville, Pennsylvania Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the National Press Club on the Nation's Economy
St. Louis, Missouri Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Townhall Meeting.