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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 6268—Cancer Control Month, 1991
George Bush
Remarks on Signing the Points of Light National Celebration of Community Service Proclamation in Glenarden, Maryland
Proclamation 6267—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 1991 and 1992
Proclamation 6266—National Safe Boating Week, 1991
Proclamation 6264—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1991
Remarks on Signing the Greek Independence Day Proclamation
Proclamation 6265—Women's History Month, 1991
Proclamation 6263—National Medal of Honor Day, 1991
Proclamation 6262—Education Day, U.S.A., 1991
Proclamation 6261—National County Government Week, 1991