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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 536—Diminution of the South Platte Forest Reserve, Colorado
Theodore Roosevelt
Proclamation 535—Establishment of the Modoc Forest Reserve, California
Proclamation 534—Establishment of the Warner Mountains Forest Reserve, California
Proclamation 533—Thanksgiving Day, 1904
Proclamation 532—Granting Land to Woodward, Oklahoma
Proclamation 531—Diminution of Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana
Proclamation 530—Partial Opening of Lands of the Sisseton, Wahpeton and Cut-Head Bands of the Sioux Indian Tribe
Proclamation 529—Establishment of the Salt Lake Forest Reserve, Utah
Proclamation 528—Modification of the Boundaries of the White River Forest Reserve, Colorado
Proclamation 527—Modification of the Boundries of the Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve
Proclamation 526—Opening of Sioux Lands of the Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota
Proclamation 525—Establishment of the Grantsville Forest Reserve, Utah
Proclamation 524—Enlargement of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Wyoming and Montana
Proclamation 523—Reserving Certain Lands Within the Hailey Land District
Proclamation 522—Enlargement of the Fish Lake Forest Reserve, Utah
Proclamation 521—Disposal of Sioux Lands
Proclamation 520—Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands Adjacent to the City of Lawton, Oklahoma Territory
Proclamation 519—Granting Fort Marcy Reservation Lands to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Proclamation 517—Establishing the Cave Hills Forest Reserve
Proclamation 518—Establishing the Slim Buttes Forest Reserve