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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 6085—Earth Day, 1990
George Bush
Proclamation 6086—National Law Enforcement Training Week, 1990
Remarks on Signing the Earth Day Proclamation
Proclamation 6084—Wright Brothers Day, 1989
Proclamation 6083—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1989
Remarks on Signing the National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week Proclamation
Proclamation 6082—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1989
Proclamation 6081—National Cities Fight Back Against Drugs Week, 1989
Proclamation 6080—National American Indian Heritage Week, 1989
Proclamation 6079—National Home Care Week, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 6078—National Alzheimer's Disease Month, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 6077—National Family Caregivers Week, 1989
Remarks on Signing the National Adoption Week Proclamation
Proclamation 6076—National Adoption Week, 1989
Proclamation 6075—National Family Week, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 6074—National Military Families Recognition Day, 1989
Proclamation 6073—Thanksgiving Day, 1989
Proclamation 6072—Hunger Education Month, 1989
Remarks on Signing the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
Proclamation 6070—National Farm-City Week, 1989
Proclamation 6069—Community Foundation Week, 1989
Proclamation 6068—National Diabetes Month, 1989
Proclamation 6071—National Philanthropy Day, 1989
Proclamation 6067—American Education Week, 1989
Remarks on Signing the American Education Week Proclamation
Proclamation 6065—Washington Centennial Day, 1989
Proclamation 6064—National Women Veterans Recognition Week, 1989
Proclamation 6066—Geography Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 6063—Montana Centennial Day, 1989
Proclamation 6062—National Glaucoma Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 6061—National Hospice Month, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 6059—Gaucher's Disease Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 6060—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 6058—To Amend the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 6057—Fire Safety at Home Day, 1989
Proclamation 6056—National Arab-American Day, 1989
Proclamation 6055—Country Music Month, 1989
Proclamation 6054—Polish American Heritage Month, 1989
Proclamation 6053—National Red Ribbon Week for a Drug-Free America, 1989
Proclamation 6052—United Nations Day, 1989