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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3285—Further Amendment of Proclamation No. 3160, Relating to Certain Woolen Textiles
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3284—Child Health Day, 1959
Proclamation 3282—Loyalty Day, 1959
Proclamation 3283—United Nations Day, 1959
Proclamation 3281—National Farm Safety Week, 1959
Proclamation 3280—Cancer Control Month, 1959
Statement by the President Upon Signing Proclamation Governing Petroleum Imports
Proclamation 3279—Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Into the United States
Proclamation 3278—Supplementing Proclamation No. 3040 of the December 24, 1953 by Fully Proclaiming Concessions on Certain Meat Products, and Correcting Certain Errors
Proclamation 3276—Pan American Day and Pan America Week, 1959
Proclamation 3277—Tenth Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty
Proclamation 3275—National Children's Dental Health Week, 1959
Proclamation 3274—Red Cross Month, 1959
Proclamation 3273—Enlarging the Boundaries of the Cabrillo National Monument, California
Proclamation 3272—National Youth Fitness Week, 1959
Proclamation 3271—National Junior Achievement Week, 1959
Proclamation 3270—National Defense Transportation Day, 1959
Remarks Upon Signing the Proclamation Admitting Alaska to the Union and the Executive Order Changing the Flag of the United States.
Proclamation 3269—Admission of the State of Alaska Into the Union
Proclamation 3268—Law Day, 1959
Proclamation 3267—Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Year
Proclamation 3266—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3265—Human Rights Week, 1958
Proclamation 3264—Thanksgiving Day, 1958
Proclamation 3263—National Education Week, 1958
Proclamation 3261—Veteran's Day, 1958
Proclamation 3262—National Farm-City Week, 1958
Proclamation 3260—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1958
Proclamation 3259—Columbus Day, 1958
Proclamation 3258—Visit the United States of America Year
Proclamation 3257—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions and Imposition of Quotas on Unmanufactured Lead and Zinc
Proclamation 3256—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1958
Proclamation 3254—Enlarging the Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia
Proclamation 3255—Restoration of Trade Agreement Concession and Reduced Rate of Duty with Respect to Hatters' Fur—Termination of Proclamation No. 2960
Proclamation 3253—Fire Prevention Week, 1958
Proclamation 3252—National Day of Prayer, 1958
Proclamation 3251—Modifying the Import Quota on Long-Staple Cotton
Proclamation 3250—Independence Day, 1958
Proclamation 3249—Enlarging the Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah
Proclamation 3247—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1958