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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3092—Mother's Day, 1955
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3091—Loyalty Day, 1955
Proclamation 3093—Child Health Day, 1955
Proclamation 3090—United Nations Day, 1955
Proclamation 3089—Excluding Certain Lands from the Glacier Bay National Monument and Adding a Portion Thereof to the Tongass National Forest—Alaska
Proclamation 3088—Pan American Day and Pan America Week, 1955
Proclamation 3087—World Trade Week, 1955
Proclamation 3086—Cancer Control Month, 1955
Proclamation 3085—National Farm Safety Week, 1955
Proclamation 3084—Modification of Restrictions on Imports of Peanuts
Proclamation 3083—Red Cross Month, 1955
Proclamation 3082—Determining 4,4-Diphenyl-6-Dimethyl-Amino-3-Hexanone to be an Opaite
Proclamation 3081—Armed Forces Day, 1954
Proclamation 3080—Fixing Terminal Date Respecting Service in the Armed Forces Entitling Persons to Certain Veterans' Benefits and Services, Preferences, and Other Assistance
Proclamation 3079—United Nation Human Rights Day, 1954
Proclamation 3078—National Salvation Army Week
Proclamation 3077—Thanksgiving Day, 1954
Proclamation 3076—Copyright—India
Proclamation 3075—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Barley and Barley Malt
Proclamation 3074—Determining the Drugs 3-Methoxy-N-Methylmorphinan (Except its Dextrorotatory Isomer) and Ketobemidone to be Opiates
Remarks to Members of the Olympic Committee, Denver, Colorado
Proclamation 3073—Imposing Import Fees on Shelled and Prepared Almonds and on Shelled Filberts
Proclamation 3072—National Nurse Week
Proclamation 3071—Veteran's Day, 1954
Proclamation 3070—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Oats
Proclamation 3069—National Olympic Day, 1954
Proclamation 3068—Columbus Day, 1954
Proclamation 3067—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1954
Proclamation 3066—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1954
Proclamation 3065—First International Instrument Congress and Exposition
Proclamation 3064—National Day of Prayer, 1954
Proclamation 3063—Fire Prevention Week, 1954
Proclamation 3062—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions and Adjustment in Rates of Duty with Respect to Certain Watch Movements
Proclamation 3061—Termination of Proclamation No. 2545, Entitled "Free Importation of Jerked Beef"
Proclamation 3060—Extension of the Period of the Duty-Free Treatment to Philippine Articles in the United States
Proclamation 3059—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment of Duty on Alsike Clover Seed
Proclamation 3058—United Nations Day, 1954
Proclamation 3057—Flag Day, 1954
Proclamation 3056—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1954
Proclamation 3054—World Trade Week, 1954