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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2976—Olympic Week, 1952
Harry S Truman
Proclamation 2975—National Maritime Day, 1952
Proclamation 2974—Termination of the National Emergencies Proclaimed on September 8, 1939, and May 27, 1941
Proclamation 2973—Mother's Day, 1952
Proclamation 2972—Extra Registration
Proclamation 2971—Child Health Day, 1952
Proclamation 2970—National Farm Safety Week, 1952
Proclamation 2969—World Trade Week 1952
Proclamation 2968—Pan American Day, 1952
Proclamation 2967—Cancer Control Month, 1952
Proclamation 2966—Armed Forces Day, 1952
Proclamation 2965—Redefining the Boundaries of the Sitka National Monument, Alaska
Proclamation 2964—Red Cross Month, 1952
Proclamation 2963—Copyright Extension: Denmark
Proclamation 2962—Inter-American Cultural and Trade Center
Proclamation 2961—Addition of Devil's Hole, Nevada, to Death Valley National Monument—California and Nevada
Proclamation 2959—Allocating Tariff Quota on Certain Petroleum Products Under the Venezuealan Trade Agreement
Proclamation 2960—Modification of Trade-Agreement Concession and Adjustment in the Rate of Duty with Respect to Hatters' Fur
Proclamation 2957—Stephen Foster Memorial Day
Proclamation 2958—Copyright Extension: Italy
Proclamation 2955—Imposing an Import Fee on Shelled and Prepared Almonds
Proclamation 2956—United Nations Human Rights Day, 1951
Proclamation 2954—Terminating in Part Proclamation No. 2761A of December 16, 1947 and Proclamations Supplemental Thereto, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 2953—Copyright Extension: Finland
Proclamation 2952—Thanksgiving Day, 1951
Proclamation 2951—Armistice Day, 1951
Proclamation 2950—Termination of the State of War With Germany
Proclamation 2949—Terminating in Part Proclamation No. 2929 of June 2, 1951
Proclamation 2948—Merchandise in General-Order and Bonded Warehouses
Proclamation 2947—World Metallurgical Congress
Proclamation 2946—Terminating the Peruvian Trade Agreement Proclamation and Supplementing Proclamation No. 2764 of January 1, 1948
Proclamation 2945—Audubon Centennial Year
Proclamation 2944—United Nations Day, 1951
Proclamation 2943—Clothes for Korea
Proclamation 2942—Supplementing Proclamation No. 2799 of July 20, 1948, Entitled "Registration"
Proclamation 2941—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1951
Proclamation 2940—Columbus Day, 1951
Proclamation 2939—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1951
Proclamation 2938—Registration: Guam
Proclamation 2937—Registration: Canal Zone