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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 2167—George Washington National Forest, Virginia and West Virginia
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Proclamation 2165—Jefferson National Forest, Virginia
Proclamation 2164—Child Health Day
Proclamation 2163—Enumeration of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War
Proclamation 2162—Army Day
Proclamation 2161—Contributions to the American Red Cross for Relief in the Flood Areas
Proclamation 2159—Prohibiting the Export of Arms and Ammunition to Italy and Ethiopia
Proclamation 2148—Establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
Proclamation 2147—Revoking the Arms Embargo at the Termination of Hostilities in the Chaco
Proclamation 2146—Thanksgiving Day
Proclamation 2142—Warning Americans Against Travel on Ships of Belligerent Nations During Italian-Ethiopian War
Proclamation 2141—Prohibiting the Export of Arms and Ammunition to Ethiopia and Italy
Statement on Proclamations 2141 and 2142
Proclamation 2138—Defining Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War Under the Neutrality Legislation
Proclamation 2107—Thanksgiving Day
Proclamation 2101—Columbus Day
Proclamation 2093—Allowing Importation of Duty-Free Livestock Feed to Drought Areas
Proclamation 2092—Coinage of Silver
Proclamation 2089—Banning the Exportation of Arms and Munitions to Cuba
Proclamation 2088—Suspending the Provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act of March 3, 1931
Proclamation 2087—Forbidding the Shipment of Arms to the Combatants in the Chaco
Proclamation 2086—General Lafayette Memorial Day
Proclamation 2085—Decreasing Rates of Duty on Sugar
Proclamation 2084—National Maritime Day
Proclamation 2083—Mother's Day
Proclamation 2082—Extending for One Year the Effective Period of Title I of the Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933
Proclamation 2081—Changing Duty on Canned Clams
Proclamation 2080—Decreasing Rates of Duty on Laminated Products
Proclamation 2079—Copyright-Free City of Danzig
Proclamation 2078—Child Health Day
Proclamation 2077—Emergency Board, Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation-Employees
Proclamation 2076—Extending for 1 Year the Period Within Which Advances May Be Made Under Section 10(B) of the Federal Reserve Act as Amended
Proclamation 2075—Designating and Appointing Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Director General of Railroads, as the Agent Provided for in Section 206 of the Transportation Act, 1920
Proclamation 2074—Appointing Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Director General of Railroads
Proclamation 2073—Emergency Board, Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company-Employees
Proclamation 2072—Fixing the Weight of the Gold Dollar
Proclamation 2071—Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-Suspension of Tonnage Dues
Proclamation 2069—Merchandise in Bonded Warehouse, Bonded Carpet Wool and Camel Hair, and Drawback Exportations
Proclamation 2070—Amending Proclamations of March 6 and March 9, 1933, and the Executive Order of March 10, 1933 and All Orders and Regulations Pursuant Thereto
Statement on the Christmas Amnesty Proclamation