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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 8175—National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2007
George W. Bush
Proclamation 8176—National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2007
Proclamation 8172—National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2007
Proclamation 8173—National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2007
Proclamation 8174—Patriot Day, 2007
Proclamation 8170—National Preparedness Month, 2007
Proclamation 8171—National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2007
Proclamation 8169—Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2007
Proclamation 8167—National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2007
Proclamation 8168—Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2007
Proclamation 8166—National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2007
Proclamation 8165—National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2007
Proclamation 8164—Women's Equality Day, 2007
Proclamation 8163—Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 2007
Proclamation 8162—Death of Lady Bird Johnson
Proclamation 8161—Parents' Day, 2007
Proclamation 8160—Captive Nations Week, 2007
Proclamation 8159—Grant of Executive Clemency
Proclamation 8157—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences, Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 8158—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Responsible for Policies and Actions That Threaten Lebanon's Sovereignty and Democracy
Proclamation 8156—Father's Day, 2007
Proclamation 8155—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2007
Proclamation 8154—National Homeownership Month, 2007
Proclamation 8153—Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2007
Proclamation 8151—Black Music Month, 2007
Proclamation 8152—National Child's Day, 2007
Proclamation 8150—National Oceans Month, 2007
Proclamation 8149—Great Outdoors Month, 2007
Proclamation 8146—National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2007
Proclamation 8147—World Trade Week, 2007
Proclamation 8148—National Maritime Day, 2007
Proclamation 8145—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2007
Proclamation 8144—Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2007
Proclamation 8142—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 2007
Proclamation 8143—National Safe Boating Week, 2007
Proclamation 8141—Military Spouse Day, 2007
Proclamation 8140—Mother's Day, 2007
Proclamation 8138—National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2007
Proclamation 8139—Older Americans Month, 2007
Proclamation 8136—Jewish American Heritage Month, 2007
Proclamation 8137—Loyalty Day, 2007
Proclamation 8134—National Charter Schools Week, 2007
Proclamation 8135—Law Day, U.S.A., 2007
Proclamation 8133—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 2007
Proclamation 8132—Malaria Awareness Day, 2007
Proclamation 8129—National Day of Prayer, 2007
Proclamation 8130—National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2007
Proclamation 8131—National Park Week, 2007
Proclamation 8127—Small Business Week, 2007
Proclamation 8128—Dutch-American Friendship Day, 2007
Proclamation 8126—Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at Virginia Tech
Proclamation 8123—National D.A.R.E. Day, 2007
Proclamation 8124—Thomas Jefferson Day, 2007
Proclamation 8125—National Volunteer Week, 2007
Proclamation 8122—400th Anniversary of Jamestown, 2007
Proclamation 8120—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2007
Proclamation 8121—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2007
Proclamation 8119—Cancer Control Month, 2007
Proclamation 8118—National Donate Life Month, 2007
Proclamation 8117—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2007