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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama on the Fifth Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana - As Prepared for Delivery
Barack Obama
Advisory: President Obama Travel to Fort Bliss, Texas
White House Press Release - Vice President Biden Announces 200,000 Homes Weatherized Under the Recovery Act
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
White House Press Release - Background on the President's Event in New Orleans for the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
Advisory: President Obama, First Lady Travel to New Orleans, LA
Advisory: President Obama To Travel to Fort Bliss, Texas and Address the Nation on the Iraq War
Readout of President Obama's Call with British Prime Minister Cameron
Readout of President Obama's Conference Call with His Economic Team
Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton and Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security John Brennan
Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton and Assistant to The President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security John Brennan