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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
President Obama Signs Wisconsin Disaster Declaration
Barack Obama
Impact Report: Transforming Government Services through Technology and Innovation
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Terrorist Attack in Quetta, Pakistan
Readout of Vice President Biden's Telephone Call with President Michelle Bachelet of Chile
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Presidential Delegation to the Dominican Republic to Attend the Inauguration of His Excellency Danilo Medina
President Obama Signs Montana Disaster Declaration
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Readout of the Vice President's Meeting with Law Enforcement
White House Press Release - President Obama Grants Commutations
Readout of Vice President Biden's Call with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Presidential Delegation to the Opening Ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Summer Games
Press Gaggle by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz
Fact Sheet: A Record of Serving Our Veterans
Press Briefing by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 2607, H.R. 3700, H.R. 3931, H.R. 3953, H.R. 4010, H.R. 4425, H.R. 4747, H.R. 4761, H.R. 4777, H.R. 4877, H.R. 4904, H.R. 4925, H.R. 4975, H.R. 4987, H.R. 5028, H.R. 5722, S. 764, S. 2893, S. 3055, S. 3207
Readout of the President's Meeting with Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Officials
Readout of the President's Call with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany