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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
White House Statement Concerning Controls Over the Price and Distribution of Meat.
Harry S Truman
White House Statement on Anglo-American Committee Hearings on Palestine and the Problems of European Jews.
Announcement of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Announcement of the Arrival of Prime Minister Churchill
Announcement of Lend-Lease for Turkey
Announcement of Aid to Russia
Statement on Executive Order 8526 Coordinating the Power Resources of the Columbia River
State Department Statement on the German Partition of Czecho-Slovakia
State Department Release on Help for German Refugees
Statement on Appointment of a Committee to Recommend Legislation for the Bonneville and Other Power Projects
Treasury Statement on the Sterilization of Gold
Treasury Statement on International Monetary Arrangements
Announcement of the Appointment of the Great Plains Drought Area Committee
Announcement of a Committee to Plan for the Reorganization of the Executive Branch
White House Statement on Executive Orders 7126 and 7150.
White House Statement on Executive Order 7126.
Announcement of the Organization of the Works Progress Division of the National Emergency Council
Announcement of the Organization of the Works Allotment Division of the National Emergency Council
Announcement of the Organization of the Division of Applications and Information of the National Emergency Council
State Department Press Release on the Most-Favored-Nation Policy
White House Statement on the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
Excerpts from a White House Statement Summarizing the Report from the President's Committee on Economic Security.
White House Statement on Creating a Coordinating Committee for Federal Lending Activities.
White House Statement on Distribution of Electricity by the New York Power Authority.
White House Statement on the Establishment of the National Resources Board.
Announcement of the Establishment of a Commission on Aviation Policy
White House Statement on Executive Order 6723 on Service Industries and the N.R.A.
White House Statement on Drought Relief.
White House Statement on Silver Policy
White House Statement Explaining Veto of the Postal Substitutes' Bill.
White House Statement Regarding Aviation Policy.
White House Statement on Non-involvement in Local Politics.
White House Statement on Possible Longshoremen's Strike.
White House Statement on Relief for the Unemployed.
White House Statement on the Virgin Islands.
White House Statement on a Study Regarding Federal Aviation Policy.
White House Statement on Proclamation 2072.
White House Statement on Payments to Americans by German States.
White House Statement on Executive Order 6569 on Preventing Monopolistic Practices under N.R.A. Codes
White House Statement on Executive Order Continuing Reduction in Pay of Federal Employees.