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relating to the observance of Decoration Day and/or Memorial Day
Address at Gettysburg
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Message to Albert, King of the Belgians, in Response to His Memorial Day Message of Friendship
Herbert Hoover
Memorial Day Address at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Exchange of Messages With Albert, King of the Belgians, on Memorial Day
Memorial Day Address at Gettysburg Battlefield
Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery
Address at Gettysburg Battlefield
Calvin Coolidge
Address on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Address at the Memorial Exercises at Arlington, Virginia
Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Warren G. Harding
Address on Memorial Day in Arlington, Virginia
Memorial Day Address at Suresnes Cemetery, France
Woodrow Wilson
Memorial Day Address at Arlington Cemetery
Memorial Day Remarks at Arlington Cemetery
Memorial Day Address
William Howard Taft
Memorial Day Address at Indianapolis, Indiana
Theodore Roosevelt
Memorial Day Remarks at the Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Statue of General Henry W. Slocum in Brooklyn, New York City
Remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Remarks in Laramie, Wyoming
Remarks in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Remarks on Memorial Day in Arlington, Virginia
Letter to the Gettysburg Committee on Memorial Day Exercises
William McKinley
Remarks During Decoration Day Ceremonies in Independence Hall, Philadelphia
Benjamin Harrison
Remarks During Decoration Day Ceremonies at Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia
Remarks at the Dedication of the Garfield Statue in Cleveland
Executive Order
James A. Garfield
Memorial Day Remarks at Gettysburg Cemetery
Rutherford B. Hayes