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Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Welcome President Fox of Mexico to Crawford, Texas
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Polish President Kwasniewski
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Spanish President Aznar to the White House
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: U.S. to Deploy Humanitarian Assistance to People of Iran
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Attend Special Summit of the Americas
Statement by the Press Secretary on Presidential Envoy Baker's Meeting with Italian PM
Statement by the Press Secretary on Iraq's Debt Burden
Statement by the Press Secretary: Terrorist Act in Yessentuki, Stavropol Region, Russia on December 5
Statement by the Press Secretary: King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on Robert L. Bartley
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: Official Visit by Premier Wen Jiabao of China
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on Congressional Passage of HR 2115
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Award Medal of Freedom to NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson
Statement by the Press Secretary on Draft Constitution in Afghanistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on Northern Ireland Elections
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson