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Statement by the Press Secretary: President Sends Condolences
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: Madagascar: Post-Dakar II
Statement by the Press Secretary: State Visit of President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Urges Senate to Move CARE Act Forward
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by President Wade of Senegal
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Speaks to Leaders of India and Pakistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by President Mubarak of Egypt
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Hosts the International Democrat Union
Statement by the Press Secretary on Senator Danforth's Report to the President on Sudan
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Pleased with Court Decision on Civil Rights Commission