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Visit of President Nyerere of Tanzania White House Statement Issued Following the Conclusion of the Meetings Between the President and President Nyerere.
Jimmy Carter
Airborne Warning and Control Systems White House Statement on Congressional Actions.
Visit of Prime Minister Andrcotti of Italy White House Statement Issued Following the Conclusion of the Meetings Between the President and the Prime Minister.
Visit of Prime Minister Begin of Israel White House Statement Issued Following the First Meeting Between the President and the Prime Minister.
Downing of U.S. Army Helicopter on Korean Peninsula Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Visit of Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement Issued at the Conclusion of the Chancellor's Visit.
National Energy Plan Statement by the White House Press Secretary Following Congressional Actions on Portions of the Plan.
Meeting With Abd al-Halim Khaddam of Syria - White House Statement Issued Following the President's Meeting With the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
Soviet Press Comments on President Carter's Economic Programs Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Landing Rights for the Concorde Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Organization of the National Security Council Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Vice President Mondale's Trip to Europe and Japan Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Cambodian Seizure of U.S. Merchant Ship Mayaguez
Gerald R. Ford
White House Statement on the Signing of an International Agreement on Cyprus.
Richard Nixon
White House Statement on the Death of Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr.
White House Statement About the President's Income Tax Returns.
White House Statement Following Grand Jury Indictment of Seven Former Administration and Campaign Officials.