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Statement by the Press Secretary on Middle Class Tax Cuts
Barack Obama
Statement by the Press Secretary on Medicare Payments to Doctors
Statement by the Press Secretary on WikiLeaks
Statement by the Press Secretary on North Korean Shelling of South Korean Island
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Polish President Komorowski to Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Rescheduling of a Bipartisan Meeting With Congressional Leaders
Statement by the Press Secretary on Voter Registration in Sudan
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on the Initial Bowles-Simpson Bipartisan Fiscal Commission Proposal
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Case of Ms. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani
Statement by the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Baghdad Hostage Situation
Statement by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Explosive Devices Found Aboard Flights Bound for the U.S.
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Social Security Economic Recovery Payment
Statement by the Press Secretary on the New Executive Order Designating Iranian Officials Responsible for or Complicit in Serious Human Rights Abuses
Statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Stem Cell Research Decision
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Justice Department Filing in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States of America
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Representative Boehner's Change in Position on Tax Cuts for the Middle Class
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call with Prime Minister Gillard of Australia
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Attacks Today in Pakistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Upcoming Visit of NATO Secretary General
Statement by the Press Secretary on Today's Attack in the Southern West Bank
Statement by the Press Secretary on Senior Administration Officials Meeting with BP Executives Today
Statement by the Press Secretary on BP's Contribution to Unemployed Rig Workers
Statement by the Press Secretary on Transparency in the Energy Sector
Statement on the President's Forum with Young African Leaders
Statement by the Press Secretary on Continued Delay on Unemployment Insurance Extension
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic
Statement by the Press Secretary on House Passage of Extension of Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Statement by the Press Secretary on Protecting the Flathead River Basin
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Death of Former President Algirdas Brazauskas of the Republic of Lithuania
Statement by the Press Secretary on the U.S.-Ghana World Cup Match
Statement by the Press Secretary on U.S. Humanitarian Assistance and the Situation in Yemen
Statement by the Press Secretary on Republican Obstruction of Jobless Benefits and State Aid
Statement by the Press Secretary on New Australian Prime Minister Gillard
Statement by the Press Secretary on Iran Sanctions Conference Report Agreement
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Statement by the Press Secretary on Israel's Announcement on Gaza
Statement by the Press Secretary on Congressman Joe Barton's Apology to BP
Statement by the Press Secretary on House of Representatives Action on Legislation to Provide Tax Incentives for Small-Business Job Creation and to Increase the Availability of Credit for Small Businesses
Statement by the Press Secretary on Israel's Investigation Into the Flotilla Incident
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Medvedev of the Russian Federation to the White House