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Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: President Uribe of Colombia to Visit Washington
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Shooting of Mr. Chen Shui-Bian and Ms. Annette Lu in Taiwan
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende of the Netherlands
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt
Statement by the Press Secretary on Haiti
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary on Libya
Statement by the Press Secretary: President and Mrs. Bush's Dog Spot Passes On
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome President Saakashvili of Georgia
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Meets with President of Tunisia
Statement by the Press Secretary on 9-11 Commission
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Meet With President of Tunisia
Statement by the Press Secretary on Highway Bill
Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Meet with Chairman Gyude Bryant of Liberia
Statement by the Press Secretary on Visit by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome German Chancellor Schroeder
Statement by the Press Secretary on Special Presidential Envoy James Baker Traveling to the Middle East
Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Welcome President Fox of Mexico to Crawford, Texas
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Polish President Kwasniewski
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Spanish President Aznar to the White House
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary: U.S. to Deploy Humanitarian Assistance to People of Iran
Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Attend Special Summit of the Americas
Statement by the Press Secretary on Presidential Envoy Baker's Meeting with Italian PM
Statement by the Press Secretary on Iraq's Debt Burden
Statement by the Press Secretary: Terrorist Act in Yessentuki, Stavropol Region, Russia on December 5
Statement by the Press Secretary: King Abdullah of Jordan to Visit Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on Robert L. Bartley
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary: Official Visit by Premier Wen Jiabao of China
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary on Congressional Passage of HR 2115
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Award Medal of Freedom to NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson
Statement by the Press Secretary on Draft Constitution in Afghanistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on Northern Ireland Elections
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Sri Lankan Prime Minister
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome President Rolandas Paksas of Lithuania
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Meet with Congolese President Kabila
Statement by the Press Secretary on U.S.-Thailand FTA Negotiations
Statement by the Press Secretary: President of Romania to Visit Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on APEC Leaders' Meeting in Bangkok
Statement by the Press Secretary on State Visit to the United Kingdom
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Italian President Carlo Ciampi
Statement by the Press Secretary: One Hundred Years of Diplomatic Relations with Bulgaria
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of President Nicanor Duarte of Paraguay
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome Russian President Putin
Statement by the Press Secretary on Annual Presidential Determinations of Major Illicit Drug-Producing and Drug-Transit Countries
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome President Kibaki of Kenya
Statement by the Press Secretary: President to Participate in 58th UN General Assembly
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Saddened by Death of Swedish Foreign Minister
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush to Welcome King Abdullah and Queen Rania of Jordan
Statement by the Press Secretary: Prime Minister Abbas' Submission of His Resignation
Statement by the Press Secretary: Principles for the Proliferation Security Initiative