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Readout of President Obama's Calls with Brazilian President Rousseff, Chilean President Piñera, and El Salvadoran President Funes
Barack Obama
Readout of President Obama's Call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Readout of President Obama's Call with Russian President Medvedev
Readout of Vice President Biden's Call with UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayid al Nahyan
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Readout of President Obama's Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey
Readout of the President's National Security Meeting this Morning
Readout of Vice President Biden's Calls on Libya
Readout of Vice President Biden's Call to President Karzai
Readout of President Obama's Calls with Prime Minister Cameron and President Sarkozy
Readout of the President's Call with Japanese Prime Minister Kan
Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting on Iraq
Readout of President Obama's Meeting with His National Security Team on Libya
Readout of President Obama's Meeting with Secretary Gates and General Petraeus
Readout of John Brennan's Call with President Saleh of Yemen
Readout of the President's Call with Irish Prime Minister Kenny
Readout of President Obama's Meeting on the Reauthorization of ESEA
Readout of the President's Call with Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom
Readout of the Meeting of the President and National Security Advisor with Kyrgyzstani President Roza Otunbayeva
Readout of President Obama's Video Teleconference with President Karzai and National Security Council Meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan
Readout of John Brennan's call with President Salih