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Readout of the President's Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Barack Obama
Readout of the President's Meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel
Readout of the President's Conference Call with Ambassador Eikenberry and General Petraeus as Well as Congratulatory Call to Polish Acting President and President-elect Komorowski
Readout of the President's Briefing Today on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Readout of the President's Meeting with a Bipartisan Group of Senators to Discuss Passing Comprehensive Energy and Climate Legislation
Readout of the President's Meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
Readout of the President's Meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Readout of the President's Meeting with Grassroots Leaders to Discuss Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Readout of the President's Meeting with Prime Minister Harper
Readout on the President's Call to Congratulate the U.S. Men's World Cup Soccer Team