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Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: "More Jobs, Less Debt, Smaller Government"
Mitt Romney
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Continues To Hold Huge Lead In Critical Super Tuesday State Of Oklahoma
Rick Santorum
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Maintains Steady National and Michigan Lead; Surges in Washington and Georgia
Romney Campaign Press Release - Detroit News: Romney has a Vision to Restore the Nation's Prosperity
Romney Campaign Press Release - Economist and Business Leaders Agree: Romney's Pro-Growth Plan is Bold
Romney Campaign Press Release - Never a Tax Increase For Santorum? Not So Fast...
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Leading Obama in New Poll of Arizona Voters
Ron Paul
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Arizona Right to Life Endorses Rick Santorum for President
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Senator Santorum to Appear Live on Glenn Beck Program
Romney Campaign Press Release - Grand Rapids Press: Romney "The Best Choice of the Republican Field"