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Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco
Walter F. Mondale
Remarks Introducing Representative Geraldine A. Ferraro as the 1984 Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee in St. Paul, Minnesota
Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate at Columbia University in New York City
Presidential Candidate Debates
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Remarks Conceding the 1980 Presidential Election
John Anderson
Election Eve Address "A Vision for America"
Ronald Reagan
Presidential Debate in Cleveland
Jimmy Carter
Televised Campaign Address "A Vital Economy: Jobs, Growth, and Progress for Americans"
Televised Address by Governor Ronald Reagan "A Strategy for Peace in the '80s"
Governor Reagan's News Conference
Presidential Debate in Baltimore (Reagan-Anderson)
Remarks at the International Business Council in Chicago
Remarks at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey
Address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Chicago
Remarks to Delgates at the Republican National Convention in Detroit Announcing the Selection of George Bush as Vice Presidential Running Mate
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Detroit
Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Republican Presidential Nomination
Statement on Receiving a Telephone Call from President Ford
Remarks to Supporters at the Railroad Depot in Plains, Georgia
Interview with George Reiger of "Field & Stream" Magazine
Interview with "Playboy" Magazine
News Conference in Sacramento, California
Interview in "Outdoor Life"
Remarks at a Campaign Rally in Dallas, Texas
Excerpt of Remarks at an Airport Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Statement on the Decline in the Leading Economic Indicators:
Remarks at a Shopping Center Rally in St. Louis, Missouri
"Message From the Next President" in the New York Times
Remarks at a Senior Citizens Breakfast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Remarks at a Kennedy-Lawrence Dinner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Remarks at the Conclusion of a Campaign Rally at Quad Cities Airport in Rock Island, Illinois
Statement on Veterans Day
Remarks at a Campaign Rally in Alexandria, Virginia
Presidential Campaign Debate
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at the Al Smith Dinner in New York City
Remarks at an Airport Rally in Newport News, Virginia
Remarks at a Campaign Rally in Harlem, New York City
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fund Raiser in New York City
Address to the American Public Health Association in Miami Beach, Florida
Letter to Governor Boren of Oklahoma on National Energy Policy
Interview in the "Chemical and Engineering News" Journal
News Conference in Kansas City, Missouri
Remarks at a Campaign Appearance in Columbus, Ohio
Telegram to President Ford
Remarks to the Economic Club of Detroit, Michigan
Remarks at the Jerry Litton Memorial Dinner in Kansas City, Missouri
Letter to Veterans
Address to the Liberal Party of New York in New York City
Message to American Indian
Remarks on Human Rights at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana
Remarks at a Fund Raising Affair for Indiana Democratic Candidates in South Bend, Indiana
Address at the Pulaski Day Dinner in Chicago, Illinois
Interview with Leaders of "National Religious Broadcasters" and "World Religious News"
Interview with Roger J. Youman and Neil Hickey of "TV Guide"
Remarks at a Campaign Fundraising Function in Indianapolis, Indiana
Remarks at a Campaign Appearance in Salt Lake City, Utah
Remarks at a Democratic Party Campaign Fundraising Affair in Los Angeles, California
Remarks in a Question-Answer Session on Women's Issues in Los Angeles, California
Remarks to the National Conference of Catholic Charities in Denver, Colorado