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Executive Order 11885—Amending Executive Order No. 11861, as Amended, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
Gerald R. Ford
Executive Order 11884—Prescribing the Official Coat of Arms, Seal, and Flag of the Vice President of the United States
Executive Order 11882—Membership of Energy Research and Development Administration on Established River Basin Commissions
Executive Order 11883—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 11881—Delegation of Authority to Issue Regulations With Respect to Section 459 of the Social Security Act
Executive Order 11880—Designation of Officers of the Department of Commerce to Act as Secretary of Commerce
Executive Order 11879—Delegating to the Secretary of Commerce Functions Relating to Orders for the Provision of Chemicals or Substances Necessary for Treatment of Water
Executive Order 11878—Assigning Responsibilities Relating to Activities of the Presidential Clemency Board
Executive Order 11877—Amending Executive Order No. 11861, as Amended, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
Executive Order 11876—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees