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Executive Order 6439—Delegating Authority Under Section 2(b) and Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 10(a) of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6436—Code of Fair Competition for the Special Tool, Die, and Machine Shop Industry
Executive Order 6434—Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Garment Industry
Executive Order 6435—Code of Fair Competition for the Newsprint Industry
Executive Order 6438-A—Authorization to Appoint Job K. Jones, Allan B. Walsh, Et Al.
Executive Order 6438—Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry
Executive Order 6433-A—Creation of the National Emergency Council
Executive Order 6437—Code of Fair Competition for the Paper and Pulp Industry
Executive Order 6433—Authorization to Appoint Mrs. Josephine B. Wales
Executive Order 6432—Withdrawal of Public Lands For Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 6431-B—Code of Labor Provisions for the Wholesale Food and Grocery Trade
Executive Order 6431-A—Code of Labor Provisions for the Retail Food and Grocery Trade
Executive Order 6426—Code of Fair Competition for the Air Transport Industry
Executive Order 6429—Code of Fair Competition for the Limestone Industry
Executive Order 6427—Code of Fair Competition for the Gear Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6428—Code of Fair Competition for the Wood Plug Industry
Executive Order 6431—Code of Fair Competition for the Mop Stick Industry
Executive Order 6430—Code of Fair Competition for the All-Metal Insect Screen Industry
Executive Order 6425—Code of Fair Competition for the Scientific Apparatus Industry
Executive Order 6424—Code of Fair Competition for the Imported Date Packing Industry
Executive Order 6423-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Imported Date Packing Industry
Executive Order 6423—Code of Fair Competition for the Crushed Stone, Sand and Gravel, and Slag Industries
Executive Order 6421—Coal-Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 50
Executive Order 6422—Code of Fair Competition for the Hardwood Distillation Industry
Executive Order 6420—Authorization to Appoint Mrs. Mary M. Flanagan
Executive Order 6420-A—Modifications of the Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Textile Industry
Executive Order 6419—Exemption of James A. Wetmore from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6420-B—Establishing the Federal Civil Works Administration
Executive Order 6414—Code of Fair Competition for the Paperboard Industry
Executive Order 6410—Code of Fair Competition for the Printers' Rollers Industry
Executive Order 6412—Code of Fair Competition for the Ladder Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6416-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Cleaning and Dyeing Trade
Executive Order 6418—Code of Fair Competition for the Automotive Parts and Equipment Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6411—Code of Fair Competition for the Motor Fire Apparatus Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6416—Code of Fair Competition for the Machine Tool and Forging Machinery Industry
Executive Order 6417—Supplement to Code of Fair Competition for the Automobile Manufacturing Industry Covering Fair Trade Practices for the Funeral Vehicle and Ambulance Subdivision
Executive Order 6413—Code of Fair Competition for the Shovel, Dragline and Crane Industry
Executive Order 6415—Code of Fair Competition for the Liquefied Gas Industry
Executive Order 6409—Transfer of Lands from and to the Ashley and Wasatch National Forests, Utah and Wyoming
Executive Order 6408—Corrected Description of the Boundaries of Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Hawaii
Executive Order 6406—Code of Fair Competition for the Asphalt Shingle and Roofing Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6407—Terminating Stay of the Provisions of the Cotton Textile Industry Code
Executive Order 6401—Code of Fair Competition for the Washing and Ironing Machine Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6402—Code of Fair Competition for the Leather and Woolen Knit Glove Industry
Executive Order 6404—Oil-Shale Restoration No. 2, Nevada
Executive Order 6391—Code of Fair Competition for the Men's Garter, Suspender, and Belt Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6392—Code of Fair Competition for Stock Exchange Firms
Executive Order 6405—Power-Site Restoration No. 478, Utah
Executive Order 6393—Code of Fair Competition for the Tot and Playthings Industry
Executive Order 6394—Code of Fair Competition for the Funeral Supply Industry
Executive Order 6395—Code of Fair Competition for the Business Furniture, Storage Equipment, and Filing Supply Industry
Executive Order 6396—Code of Fair Competition for the Office Equipment Manufacturers Industry
Executive Order 6397—Code of Fair Competition for the Buffing and Polishing Composition Industry
Executive Order 6398—Code of Fair Competition for the Buff and Polishing Wheel Industry
Executive Order 6399—Code of Fair Competition for the Piano Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6403-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Fire Extinguishing Appliance Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6400—Code of Fair Competition for the Floor and Wall Clay Tile Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6403—In the Matter of the Application of Kaplan Brothers for Certain Exemptions from the Code of Fair Competition for the Artificial Flower and Feather Industry
Executive Order 6390—Designation of Marshal as Officer to Disburse Funds for Maintenance and Operation of District Court of the United States for Panama Canal Zone, Etc.
Executive Order 6385—Code of Fair Competition for the American Petroleum Equipment Industry and Trade