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Cruz Campaign Press Release - Donald Ducks Another Debate
Ted Cruz
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Kasich on Warmbier Sentencing in North Korea
John Kasich
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Congressman David Schweikert Endorses Ted Cruz for President
Kasich Campaign Press Release - The Boston Globe— "Finally, Some Clarity in the GOP Race"
Kasich Campaign Press Release - ASSOCIATED PRESS: Cruz has no realistic path
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - When Donald Trump Seeks To Divide America With Hate and Fear, Here Is Hillary Clinton's Response
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on President Obama's Supreme Court Nomination
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Why John Kasich is the Only One Who Can Stop Donald Trump
Kasich Campaign Press Release - ENDORSEMENT: In Texas, Steve Bartlett Endorses John Kasich for President
Kasich Campaign Press Release - A Plea to Ohio — Please Help Stop Donald Trump