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Rubio Campaign Press Release - WATCH: CNN Is Feeling the Marcomentum in South Carolina
Marco Rubio
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders Stresses Economy, Voting Rights, Courts in Conference with Civil Rights Leaders
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement on Senator Sanders' Attacks on President Clinton and President Obama
Hillary Clinton
Jeb Bush Campaign Press Release - Bush Country
Jeb Bush
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsements: Nevada State Controller Ron Knecht & Former Nevada Treasurer Bob Seale Support John Kasich for President
John Kasich
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Governor John Kasich's Presidential Campaign Opens Three Virginia Field Offices
Kasich Campaign Press Release - THE STATE Newspaper in Columbia, South Carolina Endorses John Kasich for President
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Launches New TV Ad "Sales Pitch"
Ted Cruz
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Former Georgia Congressman Jack Kingston Endorses Ted Cruz
Cruz Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Bridenstine op-ed: Cruz is Best Qualified to Be Commander in Chief; Amb. Bolton and Gen. Flynn Praise Cruz's Military Rebuild Speech