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Rubio Campaign Press Release - Here's What Marco Rubio Actually Thinks about the Draft and Women in Combat
Marco Rubio
Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Is Some of What Marco Rubio Has Gotten Done as a Senator (It's a Lot More than Barack Obama Had)
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Here's What Marco Rubio Did for Florida When He Was House Speaker
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Braving the Snow: a Behind-the-scenes Look at the Last Week of Campaigning in New Hampshire
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - The Night of the New Hampshire Primary, Hillary Clinton Made a Promise To Voters
Carson Campaign Press Release - #AskBen Fireside Chat - Feb. 8
Ben Carson
Rubio Campaign Press Release - WATCH: Marco Rubio's Kids Are Adorable Clowning Around on the Campaign Trail
Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Story about Marco Rubio's Brother's Fight with the VA Was the Biggest Debate Moment on Google
Cruz Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire State Senator Kevin Avard Endorses Ted Cruz for President
Ted Cruz
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Who Is the Best Person To Talk To New Hampshire Voters About Hillary Clinton? YOU