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Rubio Campaign Press Release - LISTEN: Marco Rubio Explains Why He Blocked the Obamacare Bailout Once -- and Why Congress Needs to Do It Again
Marco Rubio
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio is Fighting the Return of the Obamacare Bailout
Carson Campaign Press Release - Prominent Faith Leaders to Endorse Dr. Ben Carson for President
Ben Carson
Graham Campaign Press Release - Senator Graham Files To Get On Virginia, Vermont & Tennessee Republican Primary Ballots
Lindsey Graham
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Say What? Republicans Attack Hillary Clinton For Proposing to Cut Taxes for Middle Class
Hillary Clinton
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders Outpolls GOP White House Hopefuls
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - State Leaders, Economists Endorse Clinton Infrastructure Plan, Touting Its Impact on Jobs and Income Growth
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - 5 of Hillary Clinton's Biggest Wins in the Fight For Affordable Health Care
Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Conservative Michigan Representative is Backing Marco Rubio
Christie Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire Trailblazer Donna Sytek Endorses Chris Christie for President
Chris Christie