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Remarks on Cuban Independence Day in Miami, Florida
John McCain
Obama Campaign Press Release - Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo Endorses Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Raises $22 Million in April
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on Sen. Kennedy
Statement By John McCain On Senator Ted Kennedy
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Unveils South Dakota Native American Agenda
Statement by Hillary Clinton on Cuban Independence Day
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Massachusetts Attorney General and Automatic Delegate Martha Coakley Endorses Hillary
Remarks Following the Kentucky and Oregon Primaries
McCain Campaign Press Release - Declaraciones de John McCain el Dia de la Independencia Cubana
Remarks to the National Restaurant Association in Chicago, Illinois
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Getting Out the Vote
Obama Campaign Press Release - Kansas Democratic Party State Chair Endorses Obama for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - While Obama Camp Moves to End Campaign Before South Dakotans Voices are Heard, Clinton Campaign Accepts McGovern Proposal
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain Returns to Georgia
Obama Campaign Press Release - Two Alaska Superdelegates Endorse Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Memo: Mission Accomplished? Not so fast.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - In First South Dakota Ad, Hillary Vows To Stand Up For Working Families
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain Campaigns in Florida