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Obama Campaign Press Release - Kentucky Congressman Ben Chandler Endorses Barack Obama for President
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - North Carolina Governor Mike Easley Endorses Hillary for President
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton's Plan to Address Soaring Prices at the Pump for South Dakotans
Remarks at Miami Children's Hospital on Day One of the "Call to Action" Tour
John McCain
McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": Governor Charlie Crist On Fox News' "Fox & Friends"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - North Carolina: Hillary Clinton's Plan to Address Soaring Prices at the Pump
Obama Campaign Press Release - Senator Jeff Bingaman Endorses Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Accepts Invitation to Lincoln-Douglas Debate in Missoula
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Honors Workers' Memorial Day
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Memo: Economic Leadership = Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton's Plan to Protect America's Servicemembers from Foreclosure
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Calling for Lincoln-Douglas Style Debates
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Camp Calls For Lincoln-Douglas Style Debates
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain Kicks Off "Call To Action Tour"
Interview with Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday"
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Response to McCain Comments in Florida
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the crisis in Zimbabwe
Obama Campaign Press Release - Statement from the Obama Campaign on Presidential Debates
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: "A Rock Star Welcome"
Sen. Obama's Statement on North Korea's proliferation of nuclear technology to Syria