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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement from Howard Wolfson in Response to Sen. Obama's Attack on Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Obama Statement on Women's History Month
Barack Obama
Obama Campaign Press Release - Representative Jessica Farrar Endorses Barack Obama For President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Vermont Woman Newspaper Endorses Hillary for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton: Standing Up For Our Service Members And Veterans
Statement from Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Warwick City Committee Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: $35 Million
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on agreement in Kenya
Obama Campaign Press Release - Texas State Representative and Superdelegate Yvonne Davis Endorses Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Memo: Obama Must-Wins
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Statement on New Developments Regarding Austan Goolsbee and CTV NAFTA Report
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New National Security Ad Asks Voters Who They Want In The White House During A Crisis
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Federal Gulf Coast Rebuilding Coordinator Don Powell's Decision To Step Down
Obama Campaign Press Release - Jim Hightower Endorses Barack Obama
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Pledges 'Sacred Trust' with Veterans
Obama Campaign Press Release - Senator Rockefeller Endorses Barack Obama
Statement of Senator Hillary Clinton on the United Nation's Durban II Racism Conference
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Must Read: My Turn: We need Clinton's strengths now
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ohio Ads: Governor Strickland Calls Hillary The Fighter Ohio Needs, Touts Her Commitment To Helping Ohio Families
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Giving Every Child a Chance
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Our Children
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ad: Hillary Promises to "Level" the Playing Field in New Rhode Island Ad
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Giving America's Central and Eastern European Allies Fair Treatment on Visas
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Ohio for Hillary Announces Statewide Endorsements
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Rhode Island for Hillary Announces Hispanic Leadership Council
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Mike Huckabee Accepts Values Voter Presidential Debate Invitation
Mike Huckabee
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Vermonters for Hillary: Snowed in and on the Phones
Remarks at the Economic Summit in Zanesville, Ohio
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Poll: Hillary Maintains Commanding Lead Among Hispanics in Texas
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee to Host Bloggers Conference Call on February 28, 2008 10:30 a.m. ET
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Campaign Airs Two New Television Ads Across Texas
Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Dallas Cowboy Legend Cliff Harris Endorses Mike Huckabee For President
Mike Huckabee Statement on the Death of William F. Buckley
Obama Campaign Press Release - Senator Byron Dorgan Endorses Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Economic Solutions
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - More than 100 Rhode Island Women Join Lt. Gov. Roberts to Support Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Radio Actuality: Hillary Clinton on The Economic Solutions for America Summit
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Erie Mayor Joseph E. Sinnott Endorses Clinton for President