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Letter to the People of Illinois Announcing Resignation from the United States Senate
Barack Obama
Statement of Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Former Congressman Jim Leach on Meetings with G-20 Delegations
Press Release: President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden Announce Key White House Staff
The President-Elect's Radio Address
Press Release: Obama-Biden Transition Team Announces Broad List of Agency Review Team Leads
Press Release: President-Elect Obama to Meet with Senator McCain Monday
Press Release: Former Secretary of State Albright and Former GOP Congressman Leach Meet with Delegations at G-20 Summit
Statement on Vice President-Elect Biden Meeting with Vice President Cheney
Press Release: Calls to World Leaders by Vice President-Elect Biden This Week
Press Release: Obama-Biden Transition Team Announces Agency Review Team Leads for Depts of Treasury, State, Defense
Press Release: President-Elect Obama Taps Bipartisan Representatives to be Available at G-20 Conference
Press Release: Obama Transition Announces Rules for Lobbyists in Transition
Statement by the President-Elect on Veterans Day
The President-Elect's News Conference in Chicago
Statement by Congressman Rahm Emanuel Accepting the Position of White House Chief of Staff
Statement by the President-Elect on Rahm Emanuel's Acceptance of the Position of White House Chief of Staff
Oath of Office Administered by Chief Justice William Rehnquist
George W. Bush
Remarks by Independent Counsel Robert Ray Closing the Whitewater Investigation
William J. Clinton
Attorney General Nominee John Ashcroft's Senate Confirmation Hearing (Day Three)