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Joint Statement by the European Commission, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States Endorsing the Activation of a Maritime Corridor To Deliver Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza, Palestinian Territories
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement on Sweden's Accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Statement on Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiations
Statement on Food and Drug Administration Certification of Major Retail Pharmacies To Dispense Mifepristone
Statement on the Death of Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
Statement on National Security Risks to the United States Automobile Industry
Statement on Congressional Passage of Continuing Appropriations Legislation
Statement on Senate Minority Leader A. Mitchell McConnell's Decision Not To Seek Reelection to Senate Republican Leadership
Joint Statement on 6G Wireless Communication Principles—Secure, Open, and Resilient by Design
Joint Statement by Group of Seven (G-7) Nations Leaders